Karate in Context: Guided by History, Defined by Purpose.

(Approx 3 minute read) There are so many different opinions about what karate is, where it came from, and what it was actually used for. Who’s right? . We have a few snippets from history – newspaper articles, a few books written at the time – but even these have their limitations. Everything written was…

“If you know the Way broadly, you will see it in everything.”

(Approx 1 minute 30 second read) “If you know the Way broadly, you will see it in everything.” – Miyamoto Musashi . Someone commented on one of my articles saying that practical karate people are just looking for moves in MMA to match what they do. . Actually, no. That’s the wrong way around. You…

Training for Purpose: Your Karate, Your Choice. Choose wisely.

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) No one today has experienced a time when there were no karate styles. . One of the most significant changes in karate’s history was the creation of different styles and the formation of a standard and a terminology everyone understood. A shift that was necessary in order to teach…

Where Commitment Finds a Home: Dedication.

(Approx 1 minute 45 second read) The beginning of a New Year is a time when many set resolutions and goals, hoping to start strong and make meaningful changes. Yet, so often, these aspirations fall by the wayside. Why? Life gets in the way, and for many, the mental resilience to push through challenges hasn’t…

Echoes of Loyalty: The Honor and Discipline of Yue Fei.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) Yue Fei, a legendary general from the Song Dynasty, is a figure whose legacy resonates across cultures and martial traditions. . Though Yue Fei lived in 12th-century China, his story symbolizes universal martial virtues. He is remembered for his loyalty, discipline, and moral integrity – principles echoed throughout the…

Kata: More Than a Theatrical Performance – A Record of Practical Combat.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) For most people, kata is a solo performance, mostly there to pass a grade. For a practitioner with limited experience, this is an important stage of practice. If you can’t perform the movements efficiently without an opponent, you’ll have no chance of making them work against an aggressive one….

Kata: The thread that connects it all.

  (Approx 2 minute 25 second read) There are plenty of reasons why kata has become somewhat disconnected from real combat. From philosophical and political decisions made by Funakoshi and others following WWII to common training methods, distorted views of how fighting works, and the spread of information lacking depth. . I get so many…

Teaching Self-Defense? Make It Real. Not a Performance.

(Approx 2 minute 30 second read) If there’s one recurring theme in the comments on my articles, it’s the difference between techniques for self-defense, sport, ‘bunkai’, or some form of ‘kumite’ in the dojo. . Over the years, I’ve addressed misconceptions about self-defense that often lead people to confuse what works in a controlled environment…