Kata: More Than a Theatrical Performance – A Record of Practical Combat.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) For most people, kata is a solo performance, mostly there to pass a grade. For a practitioner with limited experience, this is an important stage of practice. If you can’t perform the movements efficiently without an opponent, you’ll have no chance of making them work against an aggressive one….

Back to White: When Values Matter Most.

(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) A couple of years ago, I was going through a moment of madness – I seem to have many of them. I felt like I needed a new challenge and briefly considered swapping styles. A new organization had just been established, and I had a massive amount of respect…

Earned or Given: The Belt Without Merit. Is A Grade for Sale?

(Approx 2 minute 30 second read) In the world of martial arts, grades, are viewed as a reflection of a practitioner’s journey – a combination of technical ability, deeper understanding, and personal character. . Yet, there are times when we encounter individuals whose grade seems to far outshine their skills, knowledge, or behavior. Such instances…

Kata: The thread that connects it all.

  (Approx 2 minute 25 second read) There are plenty of reasons why kata has become somewhat disconnected from real combat. From philosophical and political decisions made by Funakoshi and others following WWII to common training methods, distorted views of how fighting works, and the spread of information lacking depth. . I get so many…

Standing Apart: Amid the Many, One Stands Firm.

There will always be people who pass unwarranted judgments on others. As we journey through life, we come to realize that not everyone will be on our side. . Some people seem determined to bring others down, often without understanding the damage their words can cause. You can’t hide from negative people, no matter how…

Karate in Context: It’s Not What You Know, But How You Apply It.

(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) We live in an age where knowledge is everywhere. The tools to enhance your martial arts practice – videos, books, apps, online courses – are more accessible than ever before. Yet, with all this information, why do so many karateka and dojo seem to struggle with defining what it…

Predicting the Unpredictable: Every Movement in Combat Tells a Story.

(Approx 1 minute 40 second read) Imagine the massive advantage you’d have if you knew what your opponent was going to do before it happened. It would allow you to react instantaneously, adapting to their moves with precision. . A person’s unconscious, instant reaction to a stimulus is known as a reflex. If you touched…

The Three Faces: Yes, There Is Depth, But Don’t Hide the Truth.

(Approx 1 minute 25 second read) Someone recently suggested that a Japanese instructor might not show the correct application of karate techniques because of their “three faces”. . This phrase refers to the idea, often associated with Japanese culture, that individuals present themselves differently in various social contexts. . It is sometimes expressed as “three…