Time is the one opponent we cannot defeat, yet it’s the one we often underestimate the most. . The reason why people keep saying, ‘the trouble is you think you have time,’ is because when we’re younger, time seems to move so slowly. But as we age, it speeds up. . You gain this new…
Tag: Meditation
“Those who are possessed by nothing possess everything.”
(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) We had a great class on Saturday. Those moments where a student has a lightbulb moment and says; “Oh, I get it now.” . You can teach someone something, but quite often students have to ‘feel’ it for themselves, they have to experience it firsthand. . Now, I also…
The Mindful Warrior: Paying Attention to What’s Right in Front of You.
(Approx 1 minute 58 second read) Zanshin (残心) is a term commonly used in Japanese martial arts to refer to a state of relaxed alertness. Literally translated, “zanshin” means “the mind with no remainder.” In other words, it is the mind completely focused on action and fixated on the task at hand. . Instructors often…
Living in the Moment: Quieting the Monkey Mind.
(Approx 2 minute 25 second read) A riddle I’m sure you have heard before: What is always coming but never arrives? The answer is; tomorrow. . What does this riddle tell us? Today, now, that’s all there is. Don’t dwell in the past, don’t dream of the future – concentrate the mind on the present…
“We must keep the spirit of Budo no matter how we practice.”
(Approx 2 minute 30 second read) “We must keep the spirit of Budo no matter how we practice.” – Yoshimitsu Yamada (1938-2023) . I received a comment on one of my recent articles about teaching in the martial arts. The basis of my article was to give appreciation to teachers who continuously share knowledge, foster…
“The Goju-Ryu of Kanryo Higaonna and Chojun Miyagi was a genuine and ancient martial art, and that its history had now been correctly delineated as a budo and not a sport.”
(Approx 2 minute read) “What style do you practice?” I get asked this question when anyone learns that I practice karate. It’s also one of the first questions asked when anyone calls or messages about joining us. . While the question is understandable, it can sometimes be frustrating. It can feel like the focus is…
The Balanced Warrior: Find Humility in Your Training.
(Approx 1 minute 44 second read) Many people, at some point in their lives, have been victimized, exploited, or bullied in some form or another. . Whether this relates to being bullied as a child, an adult being singled out at the workplace, bullying online, or in more serious cases, an individual being mugged on…
Break the Cycle: Elevate Your Karate with the Power of Mindful Training.
(Approx 2 minute read) If your mind is full of thoughts and doubts, you are too busy thinking and not able to focus on what you are doing, perhaps unable to practice correctly. . I have witnessed students, and instructors, practice their techniques, over and over, one after another, their mind not really in to…
Black Belt? Now What? From Milestone to Proficiency. The Path Continues.
(Approx 2 minute read) The journey to your black belt has been long and challenging, filled with dedication and hard work. But what happens next? . The day after your achievement, amidst the fading excitement, you might realize: . Nothing is different. . You might have a few more bruises, perhaps a black eye, or…
Embracing the Present Moment. The Art of Mindful Living.
(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) In many aspects of life, we strive to learn, improve, and feel confident in our abilities. With each step, we inch closer to our goals. But sometimes, a nagging doubt creeps in: “Am I even getting better?” This feeling can be paralyzing, fueling anxiety and hindering progress. . Dwelling…
No One Knows (But Apparently Everyone Has An Opinion).
(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) I have been practicing and teaching karate for over 50 years now, and I frequently share my experiences and thoughts through these articles. . At times, I encounter individuals who persistently seek answers, stating the same question on several different articles and messaging me privately, yet they refuse to…
From Respect to Rifts: The Role of Negativity in Karate.
(Approx 2 minute 15 second read) Traditional karate, with its rich tapestry of styles and history, is often seen as a domain of discipline and unity. However, beneath the surface lies a landscape fractured by disagreements and divisions. . A poignant example is the notable dislike between two karate legends, Funakoshi Gichin and Motobu Choki….