Knowing Isn’t Understanding: True Knowledge Takes Time.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) I’m sure many people have experienced this. Years ago, when I was in school, I used to read books just to pass exams – and then that was it. I would mostly forget the content of those books afterward because I wasn’t really interested in the subject. . We…

More Than Childcare: Equipping Children for True Real-World Safety.

(Approx 2 minute 40 second read) A little while ago I had a mother and young son join the dojo. I love it when families train together, it’s really enjoyable when we have a mixed class. . One evening, I was teaching the youngsters how to be an awkward, real pain, difficult ‘little ‘un’, if…

The Mindful Path: Living in the Moment, A Glimpse at Buddhism.

(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) I like to think that I follow some of the Buddhist principles. I’m not a Buddhist though, by any means. I make a lot of mistakes – probably more than would be tolerated within the principles they follow. But one idea that has always resonated with me is the…

‘Boketto’: The Absence of Thought, with The Clarity Found in Stillness.

(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) Those moments of stillness are pretty rare these days aren’t they. Our minds are constantly occupied – planning, analyzing, worrying, reacting. Always doing something, always thinking. . There are times where we just need to switch off. . Have you ever caught yourself just staring into space, not thinking…

Karate should be simple. That’s what makes it so difficult.

Simplicity in karate doesn’t mean it’s easy – it means stripping away the unnecessary, refining movements until nothing is wasted, and ensuring every action has purpose. . But getting to that level takes years of self-discipline and understanding. Then, with that understanding, comes refined repetition. . The emphasis isn’t merely on countless repetitions, but on…

No, You Can’t Mug Me Today. I Just Train for Fun!

(Approx 1 minute 50 second read) I recently had a persistent commenter on my Facebook page, a person who, every time I posted an article about self-defense, would jump in to say that in his 40 years of training, he has never had to use self-defense. He claimed that he trains purely for fun and…

A Thousand Blocks, Still No Understanding: Why Repetition alone Isn’t Enough.

(Approx 2 minute read) Recently, I wrote an article about “Keiko Saki, Rikai Wa Ato” (稽古先,理解 後) – “Practice First, Understanding Later” – a concept in traditional karate. . One comment stood out, saying, “Thru [sic] the technique…the doctrine shall be revealed.” . The person explained that his belief that principles will reveal themselves, comes…

Burnout: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Your Way Back.

(Approx 2 minute 30 second read) Even for those who are passionate about the martial arts, especially for those who teach, training can reach a point where it becomes overwhelming. Many times we show up to class simply out of habit, when truthfully our minds or hearts are elsewhere. . While the martial arts requires…