“Teachers Open The Door, But You Must Enter By Yourself.”

(Approx 1 minute 32 second read) The proverb “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself” serves as a powerful reminder of the essential role teachers play in your lives. While they provide you with knowledge, guidance, and support, it is ultimately up to you to take responsibility for your own learning and…

The Digital Dojo: From Screen to Mat.

(Approx 1 minute 55 second read) In today’s digital age, YouTube offers a wealth of information, including numerous martial arts tutorials. While these videos can be a valuable resource, they cannot replace the guidance of a qualified instructor. . Many practitioners turn to YouTube for instant knowledge, which can be helpful for remembering specific techniques…

The Myth of the Original Kata: Understanding Kata Variations.

(Approx 1 minute 55 second read) For many karate-ka, the allure of practicing an ‘original’ kata, untouched by time, is undeniable. But what if ‘original’ itself is a moving target? . Today, many instructors claim their kata are pure, unchanged, and passed down from a legendary master. Yet, what exactly constitutes ‘original’? . The truth…

Skill Over Size: The Right Mindset For The Right Context Matters Most.

(Approx 1 minute 50 second read) This week, a potential student expressed concern about his low weight and its impact on the effectiveness of karate for him. . Does size give someone an advantage in a fight? . Height, reach, and weight play significant roles in combat sports, and most tournaments have weight categories to…

Embracing the Present Moment. The Art of Mindful Living.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) In many aspects of life, we strive to learn, improve, and feel confident in our abilities. With each step, we inch closer to our goals. But sometimes, a nagging doubt creeps in: “Am I even getting better?” This feeling can be paralyzing, fueling anxiety and hindering progress. . Dwelling…

No One Knows (But Apparently Everyone Has An Opinion).

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) I have been practicing and teaching karate for over 50 years now, and I frequently share my experiences and thoughts through these articles. . At times, I encounter individuals who persistently seek answers, stating the same question on several different articles and messaging me privately, yet they refuse to…

Don’t Try This at Home: A Lesson in Common Sense.

(Approx 2 minute read) Continued from my recent article in response to reader comments about the idiotic idea of catching a sword, a ‘katana,’ in the palms of the hands. Mostly, the comments were sensible. However… you know what’s coming, right? . One comment suggested that I was mistaken, claiming it is entirely feasible. He…

The Open Mind: Key to Unlocking Your Potential.

(Approx 1 minute 40 second read) I receive numerous comments on my articles from people struggling to decipher their kata. This is understandable, especially when considering the implausibility of many modern performance ‘bunkai’ demonstrations. . A good starting point is to understand that “uke” does NOT mean block. Unfortunately, almost everyone is taught that it…