Under Pressure: The Way You Train is the Way You’ll Respond:

(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) You will perform the way you train. This principle holds across martial arts, sports, and virtually any skill-based activity or profession. Training shapes not only physical habits but also mental responses under pressure. . In response to one of my articles about an ill-advised self-defense technique performed for a…

Happy World Karate day. ‘Karate no Hi’ (空手の日).

In 2005, the Okinawa Prefecture Assembly passed a resolution declaring October 25th ‘Karate no Hi’ (空手の日), or ‘the Day of Karate.’ This date carries profound significance, marking a day when Okinawa’s unique martial heritage, developed over centuries, was formally named ‘Karate’ – ‘empty hand’ – a term now familiar to enthusiasts around the world. ….

Defend Yourself with Wisdom: Running Shoes, The Ultimate Self-Defense Tool.

(Approx 2 minute 40 second read) Many people believe that learning a martial art is the key to protecting themselves. While many martial arts evolved as self-defense systems, they were developed to suit the needs of people in specific times and places. But how well do these systems translate to the practical, modern-day world? Do…

A “Haiku” just for those who think my articles are too long.

In response to a suggestion that my articles are too long and should be more like a “Reader’s Digest” version, I’ve been inspired to explore a more streamlined approach to martial arts wisdom. After all, why spend time diving deep into complex concepts when brevity is so much more…enlightening? A “Haiku” just for you. ….

Navigating Ignorance and Driving Blind: Martial Arts Lessons from the Road.

(Approx 2 minute 30 second read) Personally, I believe that some instructors are unknowingly teaching in the wrong context or teaching ineffective techniques. This issue isn’t just about ignorance – it’s about people who, overestimate their competence. . We all know about the McDojo, but there’s another problem: instructors who, often unknowingly, create a dangerous…

The Evolution of Karate: Tradition and the Search for Authenticity.

(Approx 2 minute 45 second read) Recently, I received a message about an article I had written, which was about the karate being taught after WWII and propagated across the US and to the rest of the world. . The message said that their karate was immune to superficiality because they had regular visits back…