(Approx 2 minute 40 second read) Since the early 20th century, karate has undergone significant transformations. Just a few days ago, I wrote an article featuring a quote from Kentsu Yabu, who was already promoting the “new karate” in Hawaii back in 1927. . A comment on the article raised a point: has karate strayed…
Tag: Passion
Black Belt? Now What? From Milestone to Proficiency. The Path Continues.
(Approx 2 minute read) The journey to your black belt has been long and challenging, filled with dedication and hard work. But what happens next? . The day after your achievement, amidst the fading excitement, you might realize: . Nothing is different. . You might have a few more bruises, perhaps a black eye, or…
Skill Over Size: The Right Mindset For The Right Context Matters Most.
(Approx 1 minute 50 second read) This week, a potential student expressed concern about his low weight and its impact on the effectiveness of karate for him. . Does size give someone an advantage in a fight? . Height, reach, and weight play significant roles in combat sports, and most tournaments have weight categories to…
Learning to Learn from Kata: Beyond Basics, Unlocking the Message Within.
(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) Kata, often seen as the bane of many karate-ka worldwide, is frequently derided, especially on social media by those who have no real understanding of its purpose. So, what is kata really all about? . Many students perform kata without truly understanding its purpose. They focus on making it…
Don’t Get Duped! Are You Learning the Real Thing?
(Approx 1 minute 40 second read) The martial arts industry is largely unregulated, and even when there are background checks for instructors, there are some that slip through the net, meaning anyone can open a martial arts school. This lack of regulation can sometimes have serious consequences. . While some training is undoubtedly better than…
Is Modern Karate Right for You? The Critical Difference. Be Prepared, Stay Safe.
(Approx 1 minute 56 second read) When you’re looking for a martial arts school or dojo, it’s crucial to understand the differences and ensure you choose the right one. . There’s a critical distinction between self-defense, sport karate, and other forms of martial arts. Choosing the right training is vital. . Many instructors teaching karate…
Embracing the Present Moment. The Art of Mindful Living.
(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) In many aspects of life, we strive to learn, improve, and feel confident in our abilities. With each step, we inch closer to our goals. But sometimes, a nagging doubt creeps in: “Am I even getting better?” This feeling can be paralyzing, fueling anxiety and hindering progress. . Dwelling…
No One Knows (But Apparently Everyone Has An Opinion).
(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) I have been practicing and teaching karate for over 50 years now, and I frequently share my experiences and thoughts through these articles. . At times, I encounter individuals who persistently seek answers, stating the same question on several different articles and messaging me privately, yet they refuse to…
Real Karate is Messy: Effective in the Chaos.
(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) We all recognize, or at least we should, the value of our foundational techniques – the basics. It’s easy, though, to want to cast them aside in favor of the more complicated or interesting. While that’s a natural part of progression, neglecting a strong foundation can lead to poor…
Effort Echoes: Show Up, Try Hard, Make Progress.
(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) While some might think it takes grand gestures to impress a teacher, the reality is much simpler. . The key lies in a student’s willingness to put in a little effort. . For decades now I’ve been an instructor in the martial arts. Over the years, I’ve seen students…
Don’t Try This at Home: A Lesson in Common Sense.
(Approx 2 minute read) Continued from my recent article in response to reader comments about the idiotic idea of catching a sword, a ‘katana,’ in the palms of the hands. Mostly, the comments were sensible. However… you know what’s coming, right? . One comment suggested that I was mistaken, claiming it is entirely feasible. He…
The Dangers of Misinterpreting Traditional Martial Arts. Facing the Facts of Karate’s Practical Limits.
(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) Some of the comments on my articles are really interesting to read, often inspiring me to write more. Many of them offer insight into the training of friends and colleagues from all over the world. . On the other hand – OMG. . The article in question was where…