Tension vs. Flow: The Challenge of Achieving Efficient Movement.

(Approx 2 minute read) Karate, at its core, is a discipline built on efficiency. It’s about harnessing the body’s natural movements and channeling them into powerful techniques. . A student recently remarked while watching me demonstrate a movement, “We have a long way to go.” . He was referring to how relaxed I seemed compared…

“Karate has many stances; it also has none.”

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) Nakasone Genwa (1895-1978), once said, “Karate has many stances; it also has none.” This seemingly paradoxical statement highlights a crucial concept in training: stances are not rigid, fixed positions, but rather dynamic movements that serve a specific purpose. . In everyday English, we use the word ‘stance’ to infer…

“Kata were never meant to ‘teach’ us anything but rather to culminate the lessons we should have already learned in two-person practice.”

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) Recently, a comment on one of my articles challenged the notion that kata originated from two-person drills, asserting that “there is no evidence” to support this claim. . This critic argued that kata were devised independently and later had practical applications extracted from them. However, this viewpoint overlooks critical…

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle”

(Approx 1 minute 30 second read) Many of us have experienced situations where we felt unsafe or powerless. Maybe it was childhood bullying, an uncomfortable encounter at work, or the sting of online bullying, or even the threat of physical violence. . In these moments, a common feeling emerges: the inability to control the situation….

温故知新 On Ko Chi Shin — “Study the old, understand the new.”

(Approx 1 minute 40 second read) Within the structured world of the martial arts, a practitioner’s journey extends beyond expertise in techniques. It’s also about cultivating a personal expression – a unique blend of technical proficiency and individual interpretation. . This pursuit of one’s “martial voice” isn’t a rejection of established forms, but rather a…

“Gichin Funakoshi’s ideal, [..] was to advance from Jutsu to Do. It has become my mission to attain this goal.”

Karate is often suffixed by the terms ‘Jutsu’ or ‘Do’. Understanding these concepts is an important part of your training. . Many people comment on my articles that they don’t need self-defense skills, finding the character-building aspect more appealing. While each to their own, this separation limits their potential. . ‘Jutsu’, translating to ‘method’, refers…

From Complacency to Overconfidence: The Many Different Views of Traditional Karate.

(Approx 1 minute 35 second read) It’s interesting that in my articles about self-protection or self-defense, several comments seem to indicate that many people just don’t prioritize self-defense. . Some commenters suggest that because they live in areas with little violence, they feel they don’t need the protection offered by realistic self-protection training. . Additionally,…