From Complacency to Overconfidence: The Many Different Views of Traditional Karate.

(Approx 1 minute 35 second read) It’s interesting that in my articles about self-protection or self-defense, several comments seem to indicate that many people just don’t prioritize self-defense. . Some commenters suggest that because they live in areas with little violence, they feel they don’t need the protection offered by realistic self-protection training. . Additionally,…

The Commitment to Karate: Mind, Body, and the Power of Showing Up.

(Approx 1 minute 55 second read) Karate isn’t just about physical strength and being the best. It’s a journey that trains both your body and your mind. . A key part of this mental training is self-discipline, the ability to push through and do what’s necessary, even when it’s tough. . Let’s face it, most…

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Effective self-protection needs a different approach.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) The term self-defense is frequently used to promote martial arts schools, but do they genuinely offer self-defense, or does it simply label traditional martial arts techniques as a one-size-fits-all solution? . People often discuss self-defense and self-protection as if they’re interchangeable. While there are elements that are similar and…

“Character is the cornerstone of martial arts training; it is more important than skill, more important than strength, and more important than technique.”

(Approx 1 minute 40 second read) Gichin Funakoshi and many other karate pioneers claim that practicing karate can enhance your character. But does karate truly improve your character? . The martial arts often conjure images of disciplined, respectful masters, practitioners, and students. However, does training automatically translate to good character? The answer is a bit…

“Chibariyo”: The Okinawan way of encouragement through perseverance.

(Approx 1 minute 10 second read) The Ryukyu Kingdom, the historical heart of modern-day Okinawa, fostered a unique culture distinct from mainland Japan. . This distinctiveness extends to language, with Okinawan dialects collectively known as Uchinaaguchi. . Many karate practitioners, myself included, appreciate using the Japanese terminology that’s part of our practice. While most practitioners…

“The karate that high school students practice today is not the same karate that was practiced even as recently as ten years ago.”

(2 minute 42 second read) My recent article about ‘bunkai’ exposed a litany of misconceptions in the comments. . The dedication of karate masters over the decades has ensured the transmission of kata. However, their true depth often remains undiscovered. . For many practitioners, karate remains a striking art. Blocking, punching and kicking. So when…

In the Shadows of Tradition: Challenging Misunderstandings in Karate.

(2 minute read) Karate often finds itself mired in misconceptions and misunderstandings. . How many times have you watched a video or responded to a comment and cringed at what you have just witnessed or read? . Unlike other arts like MMA, Judo, Boxing, jiu-jitsu, etc., which seem to have clear purposes and methodologies, karate…

Beyond the Spectacle. Performance Art or Martial Art?

(2 minute 35 second read) Many people seem to grapple with the core purpose of karate. Is it a sport, a means to follow a legacy or tradition, a way to develop character, self-defense, or more? . In the early stages of my karate journey, competitive fighting was my primary focus. I eagerly awaited the…