Self-defense is NOT about winning. You’re not in the dojo, on the mats, in a training hall, participating in a competition, rolling on the floor. Self-defense is about survival.

I have been writing articles for several years now and a misconception about self-defense continuously runs through the comments I receive. . Let’s attempt to clarify things. . Self-defense is NOT about winning. You’re not in the dojo, on the mats, in a training hall, participating in a competition, rolling on the floor. . Self-defense…

Symbolic gesture or combative function?

The martial arts world can be a tapestry woven with intricate traditions and practices. . One intriguing thread that runs through the practice of kata, specifically, the enigmatic movements often interpreted as “salutations.” . These seemingly ritualistic gestures have some practitioners attributing them to hidden meanings and even ancient Chinese symbolism. . However, perhaps a…

“Grades mean nothing; all that matters is to train hard.”

It’s the time of year for a “Rant”. . Imagine a shiny black-belt, dangling around someone’s waist like a “Master of Awesome” flag. Cool, right? Except, what if they got it for showing up to class a few times and making friends with the sensei’s dog? Kinda sad, don’t you think? . That’s the thing…