“Even if you have been practicing for 5 or 10 years, there is a big difference between once a week and 2 or 3 times a week. The quantity and quality of practice is very important.” – Shirakawa Ryuji Shihan – Aikido Shinburenseijuku . I believe this applies to everything that we do in life….
Tag: Philosophy
Is traditional Karate just limited to imitation?
Change is the only constant in life and yet, it is the one thing we tend to resist the most, especially so when this constant is deemed to be traditional. . Okinawa is differentiated from the rest of Japan by its individual history and distinct cultural practices. One of the most recognizable products of Okinawan…
“Studying karate nowadays is like walking in the dark without a lantern.”
Why people fail to question what they believe, very often to their own detriment, surprises me again and again (it shouldn’t). . Growth is part and parcel of being a martial artist. Learning is a life-long process and the knowledge that you have is never enough. There is always more to know. The desire to…
The modern labels attached to many karate techniques may have little to do with their intended function. These labels arose relatively recently in karate’s development and originate from the “watered down” karate taught in Okinawan schools, in the early part of the 20th century, modernized further on the mainland of Japan. Prior to this time,…
Don’t rely on the “label” of a technique. It probably isn’t the right one.
Many practitioners of karate have forgotten that its original purpose was self-defense. To quote Anko Itosu; “…. a way of avoiding injury by using the hands and feet should one by any chance be confronted by a villain or ruffian.” . Today the need for martial arts to be purely self-defense has diminished, and the…
Does karate improve your character?
Does karate improve your character? . Cooperation and sharing are basic life skills that enable us to make friends, work successfully in groups, and get along well with others. . Martial artists have many things in common – their values, beliefs, goals, and dreams….. and these common goals should bring each of us closer…
The practice of martial arts is deeply rooted in philosophy, tradition, and culture.
The practice of martial arts is deeply rooted in philosophy, tradition, and culture. It teaches not only self-defense but also discipline, focus, and respect. Many people start their martial arts journey with a specific goal in mind – perhaps to earn a black belt, or win a world title, to learn self-defense, etc. . It…
It’s never about you… It’s always about your students.
Teaching the martial arts is difficult. It demands a broad knowledge of subject matter; you have to show enthusiasm, discipline, have a caring attitude, a love of learning…. and perhaps dojo management and marketing; but most of all….. you have to have a desire to make a difference in the lives of others. . There…
“Don’t pretend to be a great master and don’t try to show off your strength.”
Okay, so it seems I need to clarify the use of the word “sensei” as many people still do not understand its correct usage, or even how to introduce themselves without using the term. . Sensei (先生) is a Japanese word people all over the world use in place of “teacher.” But the word “sensei”…
The self-defense mindset at its core, is the fundamental belief that you are worth defending.
Martial artists often speak of having a defensive mindset; that your brain is your best defensive tool for keeping you out of trouble. . Being aware of your surroundings helps you identify dangers and possibly avoiding those dangers. Similarly, being distracted, and unprepared is far more likely to attract predators. Awareness of what is around…
“The most important thing is the kata.”
The Pinan (平安) kata series, Shodan-to-Godan (Pinan is often translated as ‘peaceful/tranquil mind’), are widely taught to students in a variety of karate styles. They are attributed to Itosu Yasutsune ‘Anko’ (1831-1915) who is said to have adapted them from older kata. However from which kata is less than certain. . Itosu introduced karate into…
There will come a time when you think everything is finished. That will be the beginning.
One of the things that I’ve learned over the years is that it’s important to not only learn something, but to reinforce it as well. How much you practice is just as important as how you learn. We’re all a little guilty of doing things just enough to be proficient without truly mastering a skill….