Is traditional Karate just limited to imitation?

Change is the only constant in life and yet, it is the one thing we tend to resist the most, especially so when this constant is deemed to be traditional. . Okinawa is differentiated from the rest of Japan by its individual history and distinct cultural practices. One of the most recognizable products of Okinawan…


The modern labels attached to many karate techniques may have little to do with their intended function. These labels arose relatively recently in karate’s development and originate from the “watered down” karate taught in Okinawan schools, in the early part of the 20th century, modernized further on the mainland of Japan. Prior to this time,…

Does karate improve your character?

  Does karate improve your character? . Cooperation and sharing are basic life skills that enable us to make friends, work successfully in groups, and get along well with others. . Martial artists have many things in common – their values, beliefs, goals, and dreams….. and these common goals should bring each of us closer…

It’s never about you… It’s always about your students.

Teaching the martial arts is difficult. It demands a broad knowledge of subject matter; you have to show enthusiasm, discipline, have a caring attitude, a love of learning…. and perhaps dojo management and marketing; but most of all….. you have to have a desire to make a difference in the lives of others. . There…

“The most important thing is the kata.”

The Pinan (平安) kata series, Shodan-to-Godan (Pinan is often translated as ‘peaceful/tranquil mind’), are widely taught to students in a variety of karate styles. They are attributed to Itosu Yasutsune ‘Anko’ (1831-1915) who is said to have adapted them from older kata. However from which kata is less than certain. . Itosu introduced karate into…