The Quest for 10th Dan: Recognizing Mastery and Dedication.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) In the martial arts, achieving the highest rank is a testament to an individual’s skill, dedication, and proficiency. The 10th Dan represents the pinnacle of accomplishment. . However, the awarding of the 10th Dan has become a subject of intense criticism and controversy. . Perhaps one of the reasons…

“I always say that it is not about grade, but about substance..”

“I always say that it is not about grade, but about substance..” – Yasuhiro Uema 10th dan Shubukan Shorin Ryu . Grades, or belt ranks, are without doubt one the most controversial aspects of the martial arts. They can cause many problems and focussing overly on your belt rank, can become extremely toxic. . A…