“In battle, if you make your opponent flinch, you have already won.”

The flinch response is a natural and innate reaction that occurs when we perceive a sudden threat or danger. In the context of martial arts, the flinch response is an important physiological mechanism that can be used to protect the body from harm. When training in the martial arts, it is essential to understand how…

WAIT. You’ve only been taught to fight? NOW WHAT?

A comment on one of my articles about ‘self-defense or fighting’ said that “if you’re young enough [snip] why can’t you do both? (self-defense and sparring)”. . Well of course, you can. You can do both provided you understand the differences and you are aware of the dissimilarities. . But it’s not wise to do…

Why is impractical “bunkai” still being taught?

For many systems of karate, which rely heavily on kata, “bunkai” – 分解 (breakdown, analysis, disassembly) and “Oyo” – 応用 (application) is of the utmost importance. . The past masters handed down the kata as an encyclopedia of their form of martial art, the ‘styles’ of the day. Even though many karate systems share kata,…

What is the definition of self-defense?

What is the definition of self-defense? . The average person’s idea of what constitutes “self-defense training” is generally the furthest thing from the truth. . The question “what is real self-defense?”, prompts many to play their ego card. Some people become offended at the suggestion of anything outside their martial arts world that is not…

What is awareness and why is it so important?

What is awareness and why is it so important? . The martial arts community tends to focus on the hard skills of using physical force as the answer to all problems, with many dojo implementing a fight first policy, with very little focus on avoidance other than paying lip service to the idea. . By…

For most traditional karate-ka, kata is the foundation of karate.

What is the purpose of kata in karate? For most traditional karate-ka, kata is the foundation of karate. But why is that? . The trouble with determining the purpose of kata, is that the purpose you find in kata is directly related to your understanding and your training focus. The key to the purpose of…

You have to factor in your opponents reaction.

The martial arts require demonstration to supplement the whole teaching process. I get it. I demonstrate to my students. However, I always incorporate some level of failure into my demonstrations. Why? Because a real life attack is unpredictable, chaotic, vicious, and brutal. Your techniques will probably not go as planned and you may have to…