Try something new, incorporate “meotode” into your training.

“ The risk of learning something new is that you may have to completely change what you’re doing and what you are thinking, as a result of what you’ve learned. Yet, when you’ve reached a level of experience, you don’t want to change, you don’t want to lose everything you’ve gained. Well guess what? You…

How bad (or good) are untrained people at fighting?

Those of us that study pragmatic karate, will always tell you that the karate we practice is for use against “civilian attacks”…. the reason karate was created. That our combative skills are for use against a thug, “ruffian or villain” (Ankoh Itosu precept quote). Someone who is untrained in the martial arts. . But these…

You must train against uncooperative and resisting opponents.

You must train against uncooperative and resisting opponents. . A lot of martial arts techniques and applications just don’t work against a non-compliant resisting opponent. Especially so when applied in the ways that the vast majority of people try to apply it. . How many times have you seen bunkai or partner drills with an…

Karate is a mess.

Karate is a mess. . Even today in the 21st century people still refute what karate is, and sometimes what it isn’t. The majority of modern karate is plagued by dogma. No one seems to know what they are training for and in which context. . Practitioners cling to other people’s ideas with almost religious-like…

Don’t rely on a “label”. It probably isn’t the right one. 

In the West, where in some cases teaching Karate has become a business, a simple method of “teaching” to large groups of paying customers without much effort was needed. The “3 years spent on one Kata” idea was brushed off since Western consumers generally don’t have that kind of patience and want quick progress, new…

Kata, the management of failure. 

“We learned karate that was to be used in real-life situations. If you don’t continue to train with that sense of there being a real opponent, you won’t be able to respond in that kind of situation.” – Takeshi Tamaki 10th dan Shogen-ryu . Kata, the management of failure. . What does this mean?…… In…

Knowledge is power only when you truly understand and can apply it.

“Every day, there is a new discovery. Rather than merely hitting this way or hitting that way, i’m interested now in trying to evolve the foundations of my practice.” – Kenji Yamaki . You can learn all the technical skills you want. You can learn all the theories and understand the concepts down to the…

I hate the martial arts!

I hate the martial arts! . The martial arts are not for everyone. . The martial arts has always been about defense from violence, and is at the core of every martial art. It is through what we teach, and the concepts students ultimately learn, and absorb, that they develop both mentally and physically. ….