When Tradition Becomes a Cage Without the Key.

(Approx 1 minute 45 second read) Recently, I wrote an article about how a single movement in karate can serve multiple purposes – beyond the common terminology labels we give them. I used a simple example: the movement many call ‘jodan uke’. I shared a picture of two of my students demonstrating it as a…

Breaking the Mold: Lessons Hiding in Plain Sight.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) Ever notice how we’re really good at ignoring stuff that doesn’t fit what we already think? . This happens in karate a lot. We get an idea in our heads about, let’s say an upper block, and that’s it. That’s how we see it, period. . Of course it…

Karate in Context: Guided by History, Defined by Purpose.

(Approx 3 minute read) There are so many different opinions about what karate is, where it came from, and what it was actually used for. Who’s right? . We have a few snippets from history – newspaper articles, a few books written at the time – but even these have their limitations. Everything written was…

“If you know the Way broadly, you will see it in everything.”

(Approx 1 minute 30 second read) “If you know the Way broadly, you will see it in everything.” – Miyamoto Musashi . Someone commented on one of my articles saying that practical karate people are just looking for moves in MMA to match what they do. . Actually, no. That’s the wrong way around. You…

From Boat to Battlefield: Understanding the True Purpose of Karate.

(Approx 2 minute 15 second read) The other day, I received a comment on an article where I wrote about practices that lack any connection to real-world scenarios, where drills such as yakusoku, renzoku, or sanbon/gohon kumite, etc., are very unlikely, especially when attacking from six feet away using an Oi-zuki. . He stated that…

Guard Up? Think Again: A Stark Reminder of Self-Defense Reality.

(Approx 2 minute 45 second read) I often receive comments on my articles that tell me that you don’t need self-defense, you’re never going to need it. Just practice for fun and competition. . Er, no. . As an example, literally a block away from me this morning at 6:30am, there was a carjacking. A…