(Approx 2 minute 40 second read) Over the years, karate has been modified to fit a non-combative formula such as competition, athleticism, style, and aesthetics. However, traditionally, karate – and its kata – were designed as records of practical fighting methods for civilian self-defense. . Now, I understand that not everyone trains for self-defense or…
Tag: Strength
No One Size Fits All: Are You Training for the Wrong Fight? Finding Your Path in Martial Arts.
(Approx 2 minute 50 second read) Whenever I write an article about real-world self-defense, the comments seem to explode into “my style is the best”. . I don’t think a lot of these people actually train themselves – maybe keyboard warriors, maybe just inexperienced – but these comments usually revolve around one style in particular:…
Burnout: Recognizing the Signs and Finding Your Way Back.
(Approx 2 minute 30 second read) Even for those who are passionate about the martial arts, especially for those who teach, training can reach a point where it becomes overwhelming. Many times we show up to class simply out of habit, when truthfully our minds or hearts are elsewhere. . While the martial arts requires…
Guard Up? Think Again: A Stark Reminder of Self-Defense Reality.
(Approx 2 minute 45 second read) I often receive comments on my articles that tell me that you don’t need self-defense, you’re never going to need it. Just practice for fun and competition. . Er, no. . As an example, literally a block away from me this morning at 6:30am, there was a carjacking. A…
Just Know – Old Age and Treachery Will Always Outsmart Youth and Enthusiasm.
(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) Years ago, while I was living in the UK, someone trespassed into my garden. I heard a noise and went outside to investigate. There he was, perched in a tree. I gave him a piece of my mind, to which he shouted back, ‘Come and get me, old man!’…
Beyond Calluses: Honoring Tradition, Building Strength and Technique with Makiwara Training.
(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) In 1908, Anko Itosu wrote a letter called the “Ten Precepts (Tode Jukun) of Karate” to draw the attention of Japan’s Ministry of Education and Ministry of War toward karate. . One particular point in Itosu’s fourth precept stands out: the importance of the makiwara. “In karate, training of…
Echoes of Loyalty: The Honor and Discipline of Yue Fei.
(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) Yue Fei, a legendary general from the Song Dynasty, is a figure whose legacy resonates across cultures and martial traditions. . Though Yue Fei lived in 12th-century China, his story symbolizes universal martial virtues. He is remembered for his loyalty, discipline, and moral integrity – principles echoed throughout the…
When Confidence Becomes Complacency: Locked Minds, Limited Skills.
(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) If someone thinks that a lesson has no value, or is not relevant to them, then teaching them will be a waste of time. That person will simply go through the motions. . What I’ve found over the years is that some people just want to keep doing the…
More Than a Sprint: Running Away vs. Escape Skills. They’re Not the Same.
(Approx 2 minute 15 second read) Someone commented on one of my articles: “Forget about learning self-defense techniques, which you are likely to forget anyway. Just run away.” . Terrible advice. . Learning to escape is paramount in self-protection, but reducing it to just “running away” oversimplifies a much more complex and nuanced skillset. ….
In every challenge that age brings, we find the opportunity to redefine strength – not as brute force, but as the clarity of thought and spirit.
(Approx 2 minute 25 second read) Recently, I had a conversation with one of my senior students. Both of us are in our sixties now, reflecting on what happens when time begins to slow us down. As martial artists, we know that no amount of training can stop the effects of aging. We’ve gained wisdom…
Resistance is NOT Futile: Facing Reality – Showing, Preparing, and Practicing Resistance in Your Training.
(Approx 1 minute 55 second read) There is so much phony self-defense out there: demonstrations in which a defender successfully intercepts an attack – a punch, a kick, or a knife stab – and then “destroys” the attacker with ease. . The defense just wouldn’t work against anyone other than a cooperating partner – and…
Think Twice: Before You Throw a Punch, Learn Restraint When Fighting Is All You Know.
(Approx 2 minute 15 second read) If you know me or have read my articles, you probably already know that I prefer my karate to be practical and pragmatic. But on occasion, I write from a more philosophical side, aiming to add some balance and hopefully encourage readers to think and question. . It’s a…