“Teachers Open The Door, But You Must Enter By Yourself.”

(Approx 1 minute 32 second read)

The proverb “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself” serves as a powerful reminder of the essential role teachers play in your lives. While they provide you with knowledge, guidance, and support, it is ultimately up to you to take responsibility for your own learning and growth.
In today’s society, education is often seen as a means to an end – a way to secure a good job, earn a higher income, or gain social status. However, true learning goes beyond simply acquiring information or skills.
In the martial arts, it’s about developing a deeper understanding of yourself and the techniques and principles inherent in your style or school.
Teachers and instructors equip you with the tools and resources you need for this journey. They introduce new ideas, challenge you to think critically, and inspire you to pursue your passions. Yet, the responsibility to take ownership of your education and use these resources to further your own development rests solely with you.
This journey demands self-discipline and an open mind. Being receptive to feedback, even criticism. View those moments as stepping stones, opportunities to refine your skills and deepen your understanding. Remember, a locked door doesn’t signify defeat, you just need the right key.
The responsibility for learning rests entirely on your shoulders. While teachers offer invaluable guidance, the initiative lies with you. Take charge of your learning, utilize the resources available, turn up for class, and contribute to the opportunities provided for you by your instructor.
Here’s an analogy I like:
A teacher arrived at his dojo to find a young boy by the door, looking despondent. The teacher asked, “What’s wrong?”
“It’s locked,” the boy said, glancing at the door dejectedly.
The teacher then reached into his pocket and took out his keys. The boy’s expression immediately brightened. “You’re a teacher!” he exclaimed.
The teacher smiled. “What makes you think that?” he asked, amused by the boy’s sudden change in mood.
“You have the key!”
A teacher can provide information and create learning situations, there is so much available to students these days, but only you, the student, can decide to actually study and learn.
No one can force you to learn; that choice lies entirely with you.

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