The warrior mindset.

A warrior is not the one who seeks out fights. A warrior is the one who stands between the fight and the ones we love. A true warrior isn’t hateful or malicious. They are caring and aware of the needs of others. A warrior understands that not every fight is fought with hands and feet, some fights are fought with the mind and heart. Part of our path, is showing compassion to those in need.
In our world not every fight is physical. Sometimes it is the struggle to get back up after being knocked down or when we fail at something in life. We apply 七転び八起き (nanakorobi yaoki) a Japanese proverb that translates to “fall down seven times stand up eight”.
Failing at something is not necessarily a bad thing, it forces you to grow. If you have never failed anything in your life, then how are you ever going to learn humility and learn from those mistakes? If you fall, learn to get back up. If you fall down this time, learn to fall forward the next, showing the effort and determination of a warrior.
We fight on. We are warriors, ‘warriors with compassion.’ We don’t lose heart in our challenges and become bitter towards those who harm us, or the hard circumstances we find ourselves in.
Former Navy Seal and author of “Unleash the Warrior Within” Richard Machowicz said: “Being a warrior is not about the act of fighting. It’s about being so prepared to face a challenge and believing so strongly in the cause you are fighting for that you refuse to quit.”
Some of us are already warriors in one form or another. Being a warrior means throwing your heart and soul into something you believe in and never looking back. Having a warrior mindset means you won’t quit.
A warrior is someone who has a mission and who knows what they want to achieve. They have a purpose and a reason for being, and as such, they are driven. The warrior doesn’t give in and take the easy route. They don’t blame others for their mistakes, they show compassion, self-discipline and determination. The warrior is happy to take the harder path if it takes them closer to their goal and if it helps them to become stronger in the process.
This is about knowing what you want and going for it. It’s about pushing ahead with what you know is right…. it’s about carrying responsibility and hardship on your shoulders with dignity and pride. It’s about not letting your emotions get the better of you, and it’s about not taking the easy route to solve your problems. 👊🥋
The warrior mindset….. “Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both…. and surpass the result.” – Tien T’ai

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