What is the true meaning of the martial arts?


What is the true meaning of the martial arts?
The problem with this question is that the answer is going to be very subjective and personal.
We use the term ‘martial arts’ in a very broad sense, to encompass many different types of activities, and many practitioners describe what they do as ‘martial arts’.
Often, we think of self-defense techniques developed in and associated with Asian countries. In reality though, it includes just about any kind of fighting technique, from anywhere. But to be an “art”?…. That means a methodology that is passed on by instruction.
The term martial arts, refers to all of the various systems of training for combat that have been arranged or systematized. Generally, these different systems, or styles, are all designed for one purpose….. physically defeating opponents and defending against threats. In fact, the word “martial” has linguistic roots in the Latin word “Martialis” (which refers to the God of War in Roman mythology).
However, the great masters from previous generations, tell us that the true meaning behind the martial arts is less about fighting, and more about developing yourself, to your ultimate potential. The philosophies and practices that drive the martial artist are lifelong; and the student therefore benefits from all that makes the martial arts the discipline it is….. And of course many martial arts are widely practiced as sport.
Many practitioners believe that the distinction between sport and martial art is that martial artists train for real-life. Why? Because they believe winning and losing can become too important and start to pervert the training process. They believe that the ultimate goal should not be the winning of medals or accolades.
The belief is that at the highest level of the martial arts, it is not to fight. Therefore, you study and develop the skills necessary so that you never have too….. But so many practitioners of the ’martial arts’ are taught that fighting is the only way, to prepare and respond….. to fight, first.
At the very least, the martial arts should help us acquire and accumulate the knowledge, the experience necessary, including the tools, techniques and skills to end conflict. Whether within yourself, in your life, or ultimately from the “villain or ruffian” in the street. A true martial artist should never have anything to prove. 👊🥋
“It’s not just about skill in karate, it’s about having the right spirit, being a good person!” – Takehiro Gaja 9th dan Uechi-ryu
