What is Zen Buddhism?
Trying to explain or define Zen Buddhism, by reducing it to an article, to a post on a website is almost impossible, it weakens its meaning.
Defining Zen (禅) is like trying to describe the taste of honey to someone who has never tasted it before. You can try to explain the texture and scent of honey, or you can try to compare and correlate it with similar foods. However, honey is honey! If you have not tasted it, you can only guess what honey is.
The same goes with Zen, because Zen Buddhism is a practice that needs to be experienced, not a concept that you can intellectualize, or understand with reasoning.
So, what is Zen?
At the heart of the Japanese culture lies Zen, a school of Mahayana Buddhism. Zen is, first and foremost, a practice that was transmitted from master to disciple, and that goes back to the spiritual enlightenment of a man named Siddhārtha Gautama (Shakyamuni Gotama in Japanese) – The Buddha – 2500 years ago in India.
The practice of Zen meditation or Zazen (座禅 – za meaning sitting, and Zen meaning meditation in Japanese), is the core of Zen Buddhism: without it, there is no Zen. Zen meditation, is a way of vigilance and self-discovery which is practiced while sitting.
It is the experience of living from moment to moment, in the here and now. It is through the practice of Zazen that Gautama became enlightened….. and became the Buddha.
Zazen is an attitude of spiritual awakening, which when practiced, can become the source from which all actions of daily life flow – eating, sleeping, breathing, walking, working, talking, thinking, and so on.
Zen is not a theory, an idea, or a piece of knowledge. It is not a belief, dogma, or religion; but rather, it is a practical experience.
Zen is not a moral teaching, and as it is without dogma, it does not require one to believe in anything. A true spiritual path does not tell people what to believe in; rather it shows them how to think; or, in the case of Zen – what not to think.
Zen is not interested in philosophical theories and rituals but focuses entirely on the mindful practice of Zazen. Zen is very simple. It is so simple, in fact, that can be very difficult to grasp.
In the silence of the dojo, quietly sit down, stop moving, and let go your thoughts. Focus just on your posture and your breathing. Keep your back straight. Let your ego and your unconscious mind melt away….. be at one with nature and your surroundings.
This is Zen.
