“Karate has been present in Okinawa since the time of the Ryukyu Kingdom. That is why it is our mission to protect this tradition.” – Yoshitsune Senaga 10th-dan Uechi Ryu
What’s the difference between history and tradition?
In our fast paced and ever changing lives and a world that appears to be in constant turmoil, traditions are more important than ever before. They offer constancy, stability, familiarity and a semblance of order and predictability.
Tradition is a belief, a principle, a custom or behavior with symbolic meaning or special significance that people in a particular group or society have continued to follow, often being handed down from one generation to the next, especially in the martial arts.
Traditions are immersed with emotion, which is why we value them so much. They’re often the glue that binds a community, or a family of people together, and are a critical part of any culture.
Traditions provide us with numerous benefits. They provide us with a source of identity; they tell the story of where we came from and remind us of what has shaped our lives and our martial arts. They connect generations and strengthen group bonds, and help us feel that we are part of something unique and special.
However, not all traditions are good. Some traditions people follow just because they’re traditions. They don’t take the time to think very carefully about why they’re doing them, or to question what purpose they serve.
Traditions are important in the martial arts, but only if they are allowed to evolve with the times. They’re not written in stone. They should adapt constantly to meet the changing requirements of both time and relevant context. We can decide for ourselves which traditions are worth preserving, which ones require some revision, and which are best consigned to history.
History is the past and exists in events, memories and stories. Tradition may begin in history but instead of being a memory it exists in the present. Tradition can be created and developed during the present and continue into the future. In other words, tradition is active, compared to history that is inactive.
“History is all about kings and kingdoms whereas culture is all about the development made by individuals.”
The only way history can be transformed into a tradition is by creating and teaching in the present…… “Carry the tradition into the future.” – Akihito Yagi 8th dan Meibukan Goju-Ryu (quote from beokinawa.jp)
Photo Credit: TRAVEL 67 : Chris Willson Photography: Quote from interview with James Pankiewicz & Chris Wilson