Why You Don’t Deserve That Black Belt. Earn It, Don’t Demand It.

(Approx 2 minute 15 second read)

Belt exams can cause stress for many karate practitioners, whatever their level. The best way to help alleviate this stress or anxiety is to prepare well. It’s not a good idea to try to learn something new just a few weeks before you are tested.
Recently, a 2nd dan from another part of our association, with whom we had not seen train before, asked us to grade him to 3rd dan because his direct instructor was no longer available. He spoke to our senior instructor and said, “I have done part of it with my other instructor. Are you going to be a good Shihan? I will do this part of the syllabus…”
Er, what? When I was informed of this, I was stunned by his statement and attitude. This does not bode well.
You are never due a promotion. You will be informed when the examiners or instructors think you are ready to apply for the examination. When an instructor believes that you are ready to test, especially for any black belt, they will personally invite you. It’s inappropriate to ask to test or assume that you are testing.
Should you ask to test for black belt? The question is rhetorical.
Asking for a black belt, regardless of your level, style, or skill? NO! Absolutely not. Many people feel like they deserve a belt, deserve the grade. The fact of the matter is… You DON’T deserve anything.
Your grade is not an entitlement nor a privilege. If your black belt did not cost you many years of your life, great physical and emotional pain, and the loss of important social activities, it was not earned. In short, if you did not work for it, then it’s meaningless! And you KNOW it! In fact, it’s not worth anything. Instead of craving your black belt and trying to take shortcuts, WORK for it.
Skills are important, but practicing etiquette inside and outside the dojo is as important as the syllabus you learn. It’s part of your grading syllabus. Bad behavior, a narcissistic attitude, poor attendance, lateness, and not following and adhering to association or dojo rules will definitely prevent you from progressing to the next level.
Every association or instructor has their own set of criteria for grading, and maybe the student doesn’t fulfill them yet. Progressing through the grades in karate is a long process, and students should focus on improving rather than being obsessed with belts. Being a belt hunter or obsessed with promotion is a big mistake.
It raises a massive red flag if you are only interested in being promoted so you can brag about your belt level instead of being interested in the important aspects of training, especially with the attitude revealed above.
Everyone wants a reward, I get it, but forget about the belt; it’s your skill that matters, your attitude, your actions. Some deserve it, others don’t.
The 2nd dan, along with me, decided his skills (or lack of them) would be better placed elsewhere. Guess what? He was right!
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities. In the expert’s mind, there are few.” – Shunryu Suzuki (1904-1971)

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