To become a martial arts master, or at the very least a great teacher, you must first become a great student.
You must take responsibility for your own learning and actively pursue knowledge and experience.
Recently I asked a black belt instructor from another ‘style’ to come train with us. He had the time, the opportunity. He declined. Stating he wanted to “stick with his style.”
If you want to become a master, just working-out is not enough, you have to work ON something. ……. YOU!
During your practice and training you should always be asking yourself; can I do this any better? Is there another way to do this?
Great students, great instructors, set specific goals in their training. They don’t wait for a someone to tell them to fix something. They don’t arrive at the dojo and stand around with a belief that just showing up and working-out, is enough to make them improve. Analyze. Look at the way you move. Does it feel right?
Great students, and great teachers, guide themselves. They pay attention to what they’re doing. They’re honest with themselves about their strengths and weaknesses. They’re diligent about assigning themselves tasks, always looking for something to adjust, improve, or to learn.
To become great, you should never be satisfied. Understand there is always something to learn and improve. Always……. Don’t be average. Be better!
With thanks to Ando Mierzwa
? Photo: Masahiro Nakamoto 10th dan Okinawa Dentou Kobudo