“You must train a little bit, but you must train often. Consistency is what creates a great martial artist.”

“The most important thing about karate is basic training and communication.

Many young today will train extremely hard for a little while and then stop. This is not good. You must train a little bit, but you must train often. Consistency is what creates a great martial artist, not brute strength. Karate is not for a rank, glory or for revenge. It is way of life: A way to protect yourself, a way to build health, and a way to bring people together. When we train, we train as a community, so that we can push each other to become better than yesterday. I think of a dojo like a melting pot, it can bring many different people to do the same thing, at the same time, in the same place. It makes people homogeneous. This type of environment creates peace. Karate is about creating peace.”
Minoru Higa 10th dan Shorin-Ryu Kyudokan
How long does it take to become proficient in karate?
The time it takes to become proficient varies upon the consistency of training and your own abilities. The path to karate proficiency is paved with dedication, more than just time. It’s the quality of hours spent, not the quantity. The quality of the instruction matters too. A knowledgeable teachers guidance will ensure you develop your skills effectively and safely, both physically and mentally.
Your focus should be on your own self-improvement and developing your skills, understanding the principles and techniques. Making them your own, takes time…… Lots of time.
There are no short cuts, but with consistent effort, with patience and dedication, you’ll achieve your goals. – Now, go train.
Photo Credit: Minoru Higa – Quote from www.yuimaru-okinawa.net

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